NETS International Access Network Training Program Course Outline

This training course provides a fundamental understanding of fiber optics and the practical skills required to install and maintain fiber optic networks. The training program is for those who are new to fiber (beginners) as well as those looking to enhance their current skills.


The 6 days program includes skills exercise including fiber and cable preparation, fusion splicing, connectorization, cleaning and inspection, OTDR and loss testing.

Beautiful Brandenburg Gate at evening

Course Overview and Key Details

Training Reference NETS/0724/AN/R4/xxx
Title Access Network Fundamental
Level Introductory to Intermediate (L1-L2)
Audience Fresh Graduate Diploma Holders, Field Build and Maintenance technicians, installers, OSP staff
Format 6 Days Theory and Practical including half day site/field visit

NETS KSA Night Out with Group MD

Course Title Access Network Fundamentals

Objective and Expectations Employable skills through an course on Fiber Optic Technician (Level-1 Beginner)

This is a special course designed to address unemployment in the youth. The course aims to achieve the above objective through hands on practical training delivery by a team of dedicated professionals having rich market/work experience. This course is therefore not just for developing a theoretical understanding/back ground of the trainees. Contrary to that it is primarily aimed at equipping the trainees to perform commercially in a market space as a member of a team or in independent capacity.

The course therefore is designed to impart not only technical skills but also soft skills (i.e. interpersonal/communication skills; personal grooming of the trainees etc.). The course also seeks to inculcate work ethics to foster better citizenship in general and improve the image of Pakistani work force (globally) in particular. 

Main Expectations:

In short, the course under reference is delivered by professional
instructors in such a robust hand- on manner that the trainees are comfortably able to employ their skills for earning money (through wage/self-employment) at its conclusion.

This course thus clearly goes beyond the domain of the traditional training practices in vogue and underscores an expectation that a market centric approach will be adopted as the main driving force while delivering it.

The instructors/trainers are experienced enough to be able to identify the training needs for the possible market roles available out there. Moreover, they also work on the strengths and weaknesses of each individual trainee and prepare them for market roles during/after the training/ 

  • Specially designed practical/lab tasks to be performed by the trainees have been included in this training program.

  • To materialize the main expectations, a special short session on Job Search & Entrepreneurial Skills is also included at the closing session of this course. Through which, the trainees will be made aware of the Job search techniques in the local as well as international job markets (Gulf & EU countries).

  • NETS HR Team later work closely with all trained/qualified candidates and conduct awareness around the visa process and immigration laws of the most favored labor destination countries also forms a part of this module. Moreover, the trainees would also be encouraged to venture into selfemployment and exposed to the main requirements in this regard/

  • A small session on Work Place Ethics is also scheduled as part of the training to highlight the importance of good and positive behavior at work place in the line with the best practices elsewhere in the world.

  • The entire training module format is made attractive and interesting for the trainees such as through PPT slides + short video documentaries.

  • The training feedback is obtained from each individual trainee after every session and information/suggestions gathered is used for future improvement. Lastly, evaluation of the competencies acquired by the trainees will be done at various stages of the training and proper record of the same will be maintained. Suffice to say that for such evaluations, practical tasks would be designed by the trainers to gauge the problem-solving abilities of the trainees.

Learning Outcome of the CourseBy the end of the course the trainees will be able to have following competencies and skills.
Explain the importance and uses of Fiber Optics.
Explain Optical fiber modes and Configuration.
Explain Single Mode and Graded-Index fiber structure.
Explain and differentiate Optical Transmitter and receivers 
Differentiate between various GPON, X-GPON, XSGPON 
Understanding on various FTTx infrastrucure
Explain Splicing Technique 
Set up Fiber to the Desk and Home
Perform Fiber Testing and Measurement
Perform Optical Joint Enclosure and ODFs/FATs/NAPs
Perform Testing and Commissioning of Fiber Systems.
Course Execution PlanTotal duration of course : 1 week (5-6 days)
Class hours : 8 hours per day
Theory : 50%
Practical : 50%
Weekly hours : 48 hours
Companies Offering Jobs in the respective tradePublic/Private industries including:
1. All Telecom Companies.
2. IT Companies.
3. Cable TV Networks.
4. Internet Service Providers (ISP).
Job OpportunitiesInstallation Contractor
Field Network Maintenance Technician
Network Technician
Fiber Tester
No of Students 15-20
Learning Place Classroom / Lab / Workshop
Instructional ResourcesCommscope free online trainings FOA free online trainings Videos and Tutorial on You Tube

Training Schedule

Introduction about NETS International and Access network Training Initiative Concept

Day 1 (Monday)

Module 1 HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)
Module 2 Introduction to Optics and Fiber Optic Cable
Module 3 Introduction to Single Mode & Multimode OFC
Module 4 Introduction to PON & GPON Technology

Day 2 (Tuesday)

Day 2 (Tuesday)

Module 5 Introduction to FTTx

  1. Basic FTTx network (FTTB, FTTC, FTTM, FTTH, etc.)
  2. FTTH Network performance Parameters
  3. Difference between Home Pass (HP) & Home Ready (HR)
  4. Difference between Brown & Green Field
  5. FTTx Workflow and cost Analysis
  6. etc.

Module 6 Introduction to ODN Elements

  1. Standard GPON ODN Diagram overview
  2. ODN Materials and utilization
  3. Connector Types and usage
  4. FO Link and components
  5. ODN Class and Loss Budget
  6. OFC Network categories
  7. Network Topologies (Star, Ring, Mesh)
  8. etc

Module 7 Optical Passive Splitter

  1. What is Optical Splitter
  2. Types & Categories of Optical Splitter
  3. Advantages & Dis-advantages of Optical Splitter
  4. Difference between FBT & PLC Splitter
  5. Advantages, Dis-advantages, and Difference between Centralized Vs Distributed Splitting
  6. etc

Day 3 (Wednesday)

Module 8 OTDR and LS&PM Testing

  • Why Testing the Fiber?
  • What to look for in Fiber Testing?
  • Main Network failure causes and prevention measures
  • Why connector cleaning is important in fiber testing
  • Reflectometry Theory
  • Understanding OTDR Trace
  • Why is Launch Cable used in FO Testing?
  • LS&PM testing method
  • etc

Module 9 CV Writing

  • Composing your CV (Essential)
  • CV Headings
  • Font & Font Size
  • Do & Don’t
  • Video on Bad Resume and how to fix
  • etc

Module 10 MS Excel

  • What is MS Excel
  • Create new work book
  • Various Excel Interface
  • Worksheet views
  • Addition, Subtraction, Division, Deletion, Rename, Move or Copy...
  • Basic Excel Formulas
  • Max & Min
  • etc

Day 3 (Wednesday)

Day 4 (Thursday)

Day 4 (Thursday)

Practical/Lab Session

  • Demonstration of ODN components
    • Patch cords and Pigtails
    • ODFs
    • Slitters
    • FO Cables
    • FO Joints (Dome-Straight)
    • FAT/NAP
    • FDH
    • Etc
  • Preparation and practical demonstration of:
    • FO Cables
    • FO Joints
    • ODF/Mini ODF/Fiber Termination Box
    • FAT/NAP preparation
    • Fiber Management and Dressing
    • FDH Patching
    • Etc
  • Splicing and splice protection
  • Testing using OTDR and LS&PM

Site/Field Visit (Half Day)

Day 5 (Friday)

Contact us today to find out more about the NETS Academy. or drop an enquiry here

Day 6 (Saturday)

Day 6 (Saturday)

Review of full training program, open discussion with trainers, trainees feedback, AN future and individual growth as AN professional

  • Closing Ceremony
    • Closing speech by NETS Management
    • Speeches by 3 – 4 trainees
    • Certificate distribution
    • End of Session

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