NETS supplies specialized technology resources toTakaful Emarat & Cisco for multiple clients in the UAE



Takaful Emarat Insurance (P.S.C)


Telecom, Tech, Banking & Finance, Energy


United Arab Emirates

NETS Service:

Resource Outsourcing

Products and Services

Resource Outsourcing, Cisco, L1 / L2, NOC / SOC, Cloud, Azure, Microsoft 365

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Read All Case Studies Here

Growing RO footprint, aggressively promoting Resource Outsourcing & Management Services in the region, helping clients to reduce administrative burdens and optimize cost


Customers had multiple projects on hand with tight delivery timelines Situation: Required a mix of technical skillset urgently to tackle ongoing resource demands Hiring inhouse employees for every project was adding overheads & significant time.


Crafted a dedicated teamsexperts within a week, mix of onsite and remote,fully managed by NETS Solution:Each resource possessed the precise skills andexperience to tacklecustomer’s unique challengesNETS took full ownership of training, payrollmanagement,logistics, visas, etc.

Benefits and Outcomes

Multiple benefits were realized including significant reduction in time & efforts Impact :Customer freed up significant amount of time so they could focus on their core businesses Outsourcing model also gave them flexibility so they could easily scale their IT resources up or down as needed without the burden of long-term commitments

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